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Violations at the level of non-verbal auditory perception. In patients with Broca's aphasia, disturbances at this level are usually absent, and in patients with Wernicke's aphasia, there are mild or moderate manifestations, especially in experimental studies of pitch differentiation. Associated neurological signs. Most cases of Broca's aphasia present with severe or moderate right-sided hemiplegia or hemiparesis. The patient walks slowly with arching movements of the limbs and other typical signs of spastic hemiparetic movements. Most patients present with right-sided hemihypesthesia to the injection and some impairment of the perception of the injection site. Visual field defects are usually absent in patients with Broca's aphasia.

At the end of the 19th century, the French physician Paul Broca examined a section of the cerebral cortex.

It is located in the frontal cortex, in its lower gyrus in the back. The researcher found that this area provides the motor organization of speech. The posterior inferior frontal gyrus was named after the scientist - the zone, or Broca's center. Due to the defeat of the motor speech center, a neuropsychological syndrome of motor dysphasia occurs - a pathology in which the reproduction of phrases is impaired. Broca's aphasia is a neurological syndrome characterized by a complex impairment of formed speech. Most often it is accompanied by three pathologies: agrammatism, anomie and disarticulation. However, other disorders may also be included in the syndrome, such as motor dysprosody or impaired reading and writing. Afferent motor aphasia is included in the syndrome of damage to the frontal areas of the cerebral cortex.

All these disorders have one root - the pathology of ED pills of one's own speech, while maintaining the sensory component, that is, the patient understands the words and their meaning, but cannot say something of his own. Although there are mixed disorders that combine impaired understanding and speech formation. Speech pathology is considered not only a neurological, but a mental and social disorder. With dysphasia, a critical attitude towards one's disease is maintained, in contrast to sensory aphasia. A patient with motor aphasia is aware of his shortcoming.

Psychasthenic individuals or people with depressive accentuation can close themselves off from society and have a hard time experiencing the disorder. Social adaptation and intellectual potential decrease. Such people do not want to make contact with others, do not leave the house. Light isolation can reach extreme reclusion. Motor dysphasia limits viability. The degree of human dysfunction is determined by clinical and functional severity.

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Hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke. These are the most common causes of brain damage. Due to acute circulatory disorders, the neurons of the inferior frontal gyrus die and are replaced by neuroglia, an almost non-functional tissue. tumor or metastases. A volumetric process or neoplasm mechanically compresses the frontal area. Traumatic brain injury. Acute neuroinfections: encephalitis, meningitis, meningoencephalitis, cerebral abscess. Their complications: cerebral edema, necrosis of ED pills for sale tissue. Surgical operations on the brain, during which the doctor damaged the lower frontal gyrus. Neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer's, Pick's, Parkinson's, frontal dementia, multiple sclerosis.

Also, motor aphasia develops when Broca's center is damaged by an intracerebral hematoma. Afferent and efferent aphasia are different concepts, despite their similarity in name. Comparative characteristics of afferent and efferent motor aphasia: Efferent - premotor areas of the cerebral cortex are affected. Afferent - the articulatory zone, located in the postcentral gyrus, is affected. Afferent occurs mainly in the elderly, efferent - young, young and mature people. Afferent disorder concerns the motor component of phrases, articulation is predominantly disturbed. Efferent disturbance is accompanied by a slowdown in the transition between one unit of speech to another.


There is a combination - sensorimotor aphasia. This is a combination of motor impairment of speech and its perception. Occurs as a result of a stroke in the basin of the left cerebral artery. Often accompanied by paralysis and paresis of one side of the body, less often with unilateral pathology of vision.

A distinctive feature is the violation of the systems that provide articulation. Gross motor aphasia is accompanied by a violation of the expediency of motor speech acts. Second option. This motor aphasia is characterized by the preservation of formulaic simple phrases, but the violation of spontaneous speech acts. Typical localization in case of damage is the parietal cortex of the left hemisphere.p>


Efferent motor aphasia occurs when the posterior inferior frontal gyrus or Broca's center is affected. Pathology has a central mechanism of violation. This means that the disease appears after a violation of higher cortical functions.

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